As of now, Ne Zha 2 has surpassed the Lion King in total box office revenue (including pre-sales and international earnings), becoming the first Asian film to enter the top 10 of the global box office rankings!
And the film is also set to challenge the record for the top spot in the global animated box office rankings.
▌进入全球动画电影票房榜TOP2It has entered the global animated film box office rankings at TOP 2.
▌是中国电影史上首部、全亚洲首部票房过百亿的影片It is the first film in Chinese film history and the first in all of Asia to surpass 10 billion yuan in box office revenue.
▌创造了全球单一电影市场最高票房纪录It has set the record for the highest box office earnings in a single film market worldwide.
▌导演饺子也登顶我国导演票房榜Director Jiaozi has also topped the box office rankings among Chinese directors.
编辑:李雪晴实习生:张芷菡来源:人民日报 新京报等
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